campaign optimisation

Ways to improve customer lifetime value CLV using analytics

Ways to improve customer lifetime value (CLV) using analytics

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is the estimated net profit a business expects to get from the entire duration of its relationship with a customer. A high CLV is desirable as it implies increased profits and higher levels of customer engagement. Analytics is today used by mature organizations across the different stages of the customer lifecycle …

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How to measure campaign effectiveness without a control group

How to measure campaign effectiveness without a control group

The most common way of measuring the impact of a marketing campaign is to create a control group of customers who do not receive the campaign and compare them with those who are targeted for the campaign, the target customers. For an unbiased comparison, the two sets of customers must be identical across the factors …

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Which media will have maximum impact this holiday season

Which media will have maximum impact this holiday season?

It’s that time of the year again, when shoppers are active. Advertising spend is correspondingly crazy, meaning efficiency is paramount. A Company’s advertising budget allocation will play a major role in determining the profit from this holiday season, and whether it ends with a boom or in gloom. LatentView has worked closely with (and advised) …

Which media will have maximum impact this holiday season? Read More »

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