Marketplace Risk and Fraud Analytics

Secure Your Business, Safeguard Your Customers

Understand, detect, and prevent fraud at scale

The rise of digital mediums has simplified life for business leaders and users across marketplaces, including e-commerce buyers and sellers, ride-sharing riders and drivers, and hosts and guests in online travel and property services. However, it has also provided opportunities for fraudsters. While you strive to enhance your risk mitigation strategies, it’s crucial to recognize that fraudsters are continually evolving and becoming more sophisticated. Traditional fraud and risk mitigation methods can leave blind spots, exposing your organization to significant financial losses and reputational damage. At LatentView Analytics, we help you take the complexity out of security. We offer a suite of risk and fraud analytics solutions curated to your specific business needs.

Our key capabilities

Holistic Fraud Defense

Secure every step, from onboarding to post-transaction

  • Lifecycle Fraud Prevention: Comprehensive fraud mitigation strategy that encompasses onboarding, transaction, and post-transaction phases, identifying patterns and loopholes to recommend targeted product/process enhancements.
  • Onboarding Security: Implement strong safeguards against account takeovers, mass registrations, bot attacks, phishing, and fake listings to secure initial user interactions.
  • Transaction Integrity Monitoring: Monitor transactions in real-time to combat coupon abuse, gift card scams, money laundering, and location spoofing to maintain transactional trust and fluidity.
  • Post-Transaction Fraud Management: Manage chargebacks, fake reviews, fraud claims, and unreturned items, strategically preserving marketplace integrity and customer satisfaction.

Advanced Risk Intelligence

Refine and enhance existing fraud fighting mechanism

  • Monitoring and Optimizing Fraud Rules: Regularly review and optimize existing fraud rules by constantly analyzing holdback losses of deployed rules.
  • Leakage Management: Identify and address any leakages in current rules to tighten security and reduce vulnerabilities.
  • Enhanced Rule Ordering: Optimize the sequence of rule fires to streamline detections and improve the efficiency of the fraud detection process.
  • Robust Friction Challenges: Develop sophisticated friction mechanisms, such as selfie challenges and device fingerprinting, that are difficult for fraudsters to bypass, increasing transaction security.

Robust Fraud Management

Leverage machine learning to stop evolving threats

  • Detect suspicious activity and automate alerts: Analyze transaction data with ML algorithms to detect fraud and receive real-time alerts.
  • Holistic Fraud Prevention: Limit frauds (including loss rates, claim rates, ATO payouts, etc.) and ensure they remain within acceptable thresholds.
  • Tackle Emerging MOs: Detect new fraud MOs (account takeovers), identify fraud patterns (phishing calls and messages), and productionize rules to curb losses.
  • Effective Linkage Strategies: Unmask disguised fraudsters by leveraging a probabilistic scoring model that is 95% accurate in linking customer identities and enforcing policies to deactivate and block fraudulent accounts.

Optimal Fraud Mitigation

Boost Revenue by reducing genuine user friction

  • Achieve the ideal state of fraud prevention: Combat fraud effectively while ensuring minimal disruption for legitimate customers, achieving an optimal balance.
  • Reduction of false positives: Regularly evaluate existing fraud prevention rules to identify those with high false positive rates.
  • Rule Deprecation: Systematically phase out rules that generate unnecessary friction for genuine customers to enhance their experience and trust.
  • Revenue Uptick: Reducing false positives lowers friction (unblocking genuine customers) and boosts revenue by enhancing user engagement and trust.


Perfect your campaign personalization

OneCustomerView helps you nail your personalization initiatives, improving customer retention and, ultimately, your topline. Strike the perfect balance between over-personalization and generic customer interactions.


Perfect your campaign personalization

OneCustomerView helps you nail your personalization initiatives, improving customer retention and, ultimately, your topline. Strike the perfect balance between over-personalization and generic customer interactions.

Success Stories

Enhancing CX and Operational Efficiency with AI-Powered Recommendation Engine

LatentView Analytics developed an AI-powered recommendation engine for a Fortune 500 PC manufacturer. The engine leveraged transformer-based NLP to understand customer queries better. The engine equips the customer care executives with sufficient information to identify the issues, resulting in better service accuracy, CX, and cost savings.
0 %
Increase in service accuracy
$ Mn
Cost savings annually

Personalized targeting using look-alike modeling

Stuck with ineffective pre-set targeting rules, a client saw their campaigns struggle. LatentView’s look-alike models, powered by logistic regression, zeroed in on ideal customers, driving a revenue surge by targeting those most likely to respond to their large merchant offers.
Worth of incremental revenue

Driving better health outcomes leveraging wearable technology

A leading global consumer electronics giant struggled to track and understand consumer actions from their wearable device data. LatentView intervened by crafting intuitive dashboards that aggregated user profiles and behavior data. This enabled multi-level data analysis, empowering the client to monitor programs comprehensively.
Increase in customer satisfaction scores

Demand spaces drives segmentation in the new digital age

We helped a leading global food and beverages corporation with a data-driven customer segmentation approach by combining survey and social data. We enabled the client to capture new consumption opportunities, resulting in an increase in market share across various beverage and snack brands.
2- %
Increase of in market share

Success Stories

Enhancing CX and operational efficiency with AI-powered recommendation engine

LatentView Analytics developed an AI-powered recommendation engine for a Fortune 500 PC manufacturer. The engine leveraged transformer-based NLP to understand customer queries better. The engine equips the customer care executives with sufficient information to identify the issues, resulting in better service accuracy, CX, and cost savings.
0 %
Increase in service accuracy
$ 0 Mn
Cost savings annually

Personalized targeting using look-alike modeling

Stuck with ineffective pre-set targeting rules, a client saw their campaigns struggle. LatentView’s look-alike models, powered by logistic regression, zeroed in on ideal customers, driving a revenue surge by targeting those most likely to respond to their large merchant offers.
$ 0
Worth of incremental revenue

Driving better health outcomes leveraging wearable technology

A leading global consumer electronics giant struggled to track and understand consumer actions from their wearable device data. LatentView intervened by crafting intuitive dashboards that aggregated user profiles and behavior data. This enabled multi-level data analysis, empowering the client to monitor programs comprehensively.
0 bp
Increase in customer satisfaction scores

Demand spaces drives segmentation in the new digital age

We helped a leading global food and beverages corporation with a data-driven customer segmentation approach by combining survey and social data. We enabled the client to capture new consumption opportunities, resulting in an increase in market share across various beverage and snack brands.
2- 0 %
Increase of in market share

Get comprehensive risk management frameworks tailored to your business

Use advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms technology to identify threats, personalize defenses, and build a secure future for your business.

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