Global Innovation Hub

Set up, scale, and succeed.
Building teams for innovation.

What is the Global Innovation Hub?

A versatile innovation-led model that helps you set up and scale your data and analytics teams, own and manage end-to-end operations, and empower you to prioritize strategic initiatives. It is a stepping-stone for companies to set up a dedicated remote shore center that helps leverage global talent pools and scale data and analytics initiatives to drive innovation.

The need for a Global Innovation Hub

Driving Innovation. Delivering Impact.

Why LatentView’s Global Innovation Hub?





What sets apart LatentView’s Global Innovation Hub from other models?

Staff augmentation<20 Best of breed20-100 GIH100-1000 GCC>1000
Time to set up 1-3 months 3-6 months 1-3 months 18-24 months
Unit Cost High Medium Low Low
Talent Easy Moderate Easy Difficult
Capability High Medium High Low
Innovation Low High High Low
Automation Low Low High Low

What sets apart LatentView’s Global Innovation Hub from other models?


01I want to set up a remote/nearshore center, but it requires a high upfront investment. How can you help?

LatentView will initially invest in the infrastructure and technology to set up the remote center, and these costs will be absorbed by us. That’s how much we believe in our model. This capital investment reinforces our commitment to building a long-term partnership with you.

We will set up a dedicated governance team right at the start of the partnership. This team will be responsible for ensuring compliance, accountability, and effective decision-making at every step of the way.

LatentView is a recognized premium recruiter among top educational institutions across India and North America. We will set up a dedicated enablement team, and the HR and talent business partner will ensure that we recruit the best and the brightest for the center. 

We’ve got your back. Our consulting team will run a diagnostic exercise to identify the engagement roadmap/project streams to be transitioned in a phased manner. We have helped several clients set up successful off-shore centers and will ensure that you derive the best value from yours. 

Become a True Innovation Leader

Break free from excruciatingly long innovation cycles and empower breakthroughs with a centralized innovation engine. 

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