Data Science

From Data Deluge to Strategic Advantage

Bridging the Gap Between Data, Insights, and Action

As a senior leader, you’re bombarded with data. Dashboards overflow, reports pile up, and the pressure to make informed decisions intensifies. Yet, harnessing the true power of this data often feels like navigating a labyrinth – complex, confusing, and frustratingly slow. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Many executives struggle to identify the critical signals buried under mountains of metrics. We’re here to bridge that gap. We help you derive measurable and actionable value from your data, differentiating yourself from the competition and solidifying your position as a leader in your industry.

Descriptive Analytics

Unveiling the "what" and "why" behind your data

  • Explore and understand your data: Dive deeper than surface-level metrics. Our descriptive analytics tools help you visualize trends, patterns, and relationships within your data, providing a clear picture of what happened and why.
  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs): Pinpoint the metrics that truly matter for your business goals. Our tools help you define and track these KPIs, providing continuous insights into your performance.
  • Communicate data with clarity: Transform complex data into compelling narratives. Our visualizations and reports make data accessible and understandable for everyone, fostering data-driven decision-making at all levels.

Prescriptive Analytics

Guiding your future with "what if" scenarios

  • Optimize decision-making with simulations: Analyze the potential outcomes of different actions before you take them. Our prescriptive analytics tools simulate various scenarios, helping you choose the path that leads to optimal results.
  • Resource allocation made smarter: Allocate resources efficiently based on predicted outcomes. Our solutions identify the areas where investments will yield the highest return, maximizing your impact.
  • Proactive risk mitigation: Anticipate and mitigate potential challenges before they become problems. Our tools analyze data to identify emerging risks and recommend proactive strategies to minimize their impact.

Predictive Analytics

Foresee the future accurately

  • Uncover hidden patterns and predict future trends: Leverage AI and machine learning to forecast customer behavior, market fluctuations, and operational outcomes. Our predictive models help you stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions based on what’s coming.
  • Reduce uncertainty and optimize resources: Prepare for potential scenarios and allocate resources effectively. Our predictive tools give you the foresight to plan ahead, reduce reactive firefighting, and maximize your adaptability.
  • Personalize the customer experience: Deliver truly relevant and impactful experiences. Our predictive models help you anticipate customer needs and preferences, allowing you to personalize your offerings and build stronger relationships.

Unstructured Analytics

Extracting value from the unstructured data

  • Turn images and text into actionable insights: Go beyond structured data. Our computer vision and text analytics tools extract meaning from images, videos, and text documents, unlocking valuable insights hidden within unstructured data.
  • Automate tasks and improve efficiency: Streamline processes by automating tasks like image classification, sentiment analysis, and information extraction. Our solutions free up your human resources for more strategic tasks.
  • Gain deeper customer understanding: Analyze customer feedback, social media conversations, and online reviews to understand their emotions, opinions, and preferences. This allows you to tailor your products, services, and marketing to their needs.

Causal Analytics

Untangling the cause-and-effect relationships

  • Go beyond correlation, establish causation: Understand the true drivers of your business outcomes. Our causal analytics tools identify the underlying factors that cause specific events, helping you focus your efforts on impactful areas.
  • Optimize interventions and experiments: Design and implement interventions and experiments with confidence. Our tools help you isolate the effects of your actions and measure their true impact, paving the way for continuous improvement.
  • Build robust and reliable models: Develop causal models that accurately predict future outcomes. This allows you to make informed decisions with minimal risk of error or misinterpretation.


Perfect your campaign personalization

OneCustomerView helps you nail your personalization initiatives, improving customer retention and, ultimately, your topline. Strike the perfect balance between over-personalization and generic customer interactions.


Perfect your campaign personalization

OneCustomerView helps you nail your personalization initiatives, improving customer retention and, ultimately, your topline. Strike the perfect balance between over-personalization and generic customer interactions.

Success Stories

Enhancing CX and Operational Efficiency with AI-Powered Recommendation Engine

LatentView Analytics developed an AI-powered recommendation engine for a Fortune 500 PC manufacturer. The engine leveraged transformer-based NLP to understand customer queries better. The engine equips the customer care executives with sufficient information to identify the issues, resulting in better service accuracy, CX, and cost savings.
0 %
Increase in service accuracy
$ 0 Mn
Cost savings annually

Reducing throughput assay time by 85% with AI-powered computer vision

A Fortune 500 conglomerate wanted to utilize Computer Vision to assist in drug discovery. LatentView Analytics developed a powerful model using a combination of hand-crafted and deep-learning-based features from convolutional neural networks. The model quantifies the mechanism of action of drugs by capturing several morphological changes due to active drug samples.
0 %
Reduction in the throughput assay time

Be “One of a Kind” with Smart
Innovation 3

Smart Innovation, an AI/ML-powered engine, dramatically improves the success rate of innovation by a remarkable five times. It achieves this by analyzing data points derived from consumer reviews, social media conversations, and product-related data. This analysis identifies potential opportunities within emerging trends and prescribes precise product attributes that align with them. By enhancing the success rate of innovation, Smart Innovation identifies trends ahead of the curve and significantly reduces time to market

Be “One of a Kind” with Smart
Innovation 4

Smart Innovation, an AI/ML-powered engine, dramatically improves the success rate of innovation by a remarkable five times. It achieves this by analyzing data points derived from consumer reviews, social media conversations, and product-related data. This analysis identifies potential opportunities within emerging trends and prescribes precise product attributes that align with them. By enhancing the success rate of innovation, Smart Innovation identifies trends ahead of the curve and significantly reduces time to market

Say Goodbye to Guesswork and Intuition-Based Strategies

Discover previously unseen patterns and trends that can fuel innovation, enhance customer experiences, and streamline operations.

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