In this interactive panel discussion, the panelists and participants exchange ideas and insights into how they…
Innovation at Whirlpool is not new. We have been going down that path for some time…
Question: Very rarely do you see CEO’s with a CIO background. How did you look at…
In recent years, a lot of our conversation with our clients has revolved around how they…
Why should you apply data to your teeth? This is a part of my business- healthcare….
According to a report by BofA Merrill Lynch, Robots and AI solutions market will grow to…
The good old concept of segmentation, targeting and positioning framework, has stood the test of time…
Optimizing conversion is important, but it is essential to understand that for many visitors conversion is…
Marketers found that traditional marketing tools that served them well were no longer working so well….

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is the estimated net profit a business expects to get from the…

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