The Covid-19 pandemic has rattled the businessworld with dropping GDP and recession looming over the countries….

Introduction The Healthcare industry across the US comprises hospitals, medical devices, clinical trials, telemedicine, medical tourism,…

Introduction Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that deals with how computers can interpret…

Introduction Self Organizing Maps (SOM) or Kohenin’s map is a type of artificial neural network introduced…

Introduction Invented by Geoffrey Hinton in 1985, Restricted Boltzmann Machine which falls under the category of…

Industries worldwide have devoted a lot of resources to preventing disruptions and downtime to cut down…

A data analyst would frequently want to know whether there is a significant difference between two…

Pre-trained models in NLP is definitely a growing research area with regular improvements in existing models….

Introduction The Covid-19 outbreak has disrupted a lot of business globally, and the advertisement industry is…

A poor maintenance strategy is one of the biggest problems plaguing the oil and gas industry….
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