Introduction The NBA offseason is a wild time. There is a ton of volatility from players…

Manufacturing is one of the most important industries in the world’s economy….
The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a tipping point affecting almost all sectors of the…

Introduction COVID-19 has brought about an unprecedented number of infections and millions of deaths worldwide. The…

The most pronounced outcome of the digital revolution is the sheer amount of data collected and…

The pandemic has brought about a new normal and altered the life of every individual across…

If businesses can foresee trends in advance, it would help them to predict their sales/revenue….
History shows predictions of technological advancements that put the future on a high pedestal….

A techno-legal bridge between the operation of lawyers and technology is prima facie evidence in the…

While major CPG players have started embracing DTC brands, most online sales still happen through E-retailers….
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