Loyalty programs have two primary intents – increase customer retention and improve Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)….
BFSI firms are actively trying to unlock ways to deploy AI in digital transactions as a…
Analytics has been used extensively in the football industry for over a decade, especially during scouting….
Hotels implementing data science and emerging technologies see a 135% increase in online revenue….
Data analytics and AI help identify accident-prone zones, regulate traffic flow, and implement safety features in…
By 2023, about 50% of product manufacturing companies will invest in real-time shipment tracking platforms….
When a business loses customers at a higher rate than it gains customers, it loses its…
One-line EDA are easy-to-use libraries that provide a better overview of data….
Log analytics helps reactively mitigate risks and understand online user behavior….
Regulatory intelligence has garnered importance with increasing oversight on the governance of investment firms….
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