LatentView Turns Ten: A decade of data science

LatentView Turns Ten A decade of data science 1


A decade changes a lot, especially in the technology world. In 2006, when LatentView was just getting off the ground, the idea of using analytics to derive value from data was still very new. Back then, the focus was primarily on gaining insight from internal company data – the conversations that are common today around unstructured data and external data were unheard of. It was all about looking inwards and getting smarter with data that companies already had.

It was in this environment that LatentView was born, and in the years following both the space and the company have matured dramatically. Today we celebrate ten years of growth and success helping our clients better understand and utilize their diverse sets of customer, company and industry data. We thought this would be a great time to take a look back at how we got our start and how far we’ve come.

The Beginnings

Like many entrepreneurs looking to start their own venture, founder Venkat Viswanathan explored several potential business ideas before launching LatentView. The first revolved around automobile manufacturing. Chennai, where Venkat was living at the time, was a hub for the industry, and it seemed a natural fit to enter the space. Another spark came around the year 2000, when the tech industry was caught up in the “dot com” boom. Finally, in 2005, the stars aligned. Venkat’s growing experience coupled with an attractive economic climate and encouragement from his wife put him in a position to quit his job and focus on starting his own venture. The analytics industry was still maturing, which presented a strong opportunity to get involved in the space and build a company from the ground up. Enter LatentView Analytics.

A Maturing Space

Over the past ten years, both LatentView and the industry as a whole have seen significant changes. Data sets and sources have expanded tremendously, presenting both new opportunities to derive insights and new challenges in managing and utilizing tremendous amounts of information. LatentView has grown too, thanks to our talented, knowledgeable and dedicated team of employees. Throughout its growth, the team has always put an emphasis on the knowledge we are able to deliver to our clients and the value that knowledge carries. It goes way beyond cost savings – we are proud to provide services that cannot be found anywhere else at the same scale.

Looking Forward

This month we’re thrilled to be celebrating ten years of helping our clients tap their data and drive success. The analytics space continues to expand, and with the rise of IoT and ever increasing data sets, the industry is ripe for continued advancement. Here at LatentView, we’re excited about what the industry will bring in the years to come and we look forward to another ten years of driving success for our clients. Keep an eye on our blog in the coming weeks for related posts that look back on some of the growth we’ve seen in the analytics space over the last decade, as well as a glimpse at what we can expect going forward.

Follow our latest news and wish us a happy anniversary on Twitter @latentview and on LinkedIn.

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